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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

holiday head party

i don't think i've ever posted about the annual 'holiday head' party,
but i've meant to, especially now that it's in it's 15th year!

it all started back in 1997.
christopher and i had just moved to san diego from tucson
and reconnected with all the friends we had made the summer prior
when c was doing his internship here.

when christmas rolled around, the group had a party/gift exchange and
one of the guys gave a glass head with a bunch of pencils in it as a gift.
here 'tis and i can hardly believe pier one still has it in stores!

it was such an odd and random gift,
that someone in the group decided to adopt it for our annual holiday party.
at the end of our annual party, our names go inside the head {it's hollow},
and whomever's name gets drawn hosts next year's party.
it is and will forever be known as the holiday head party.

oh, and i can't forget to add that the recipient of the head
must display it in their home at all times until the next party.
as finn pointed out, it's just like the gerber cup
{which i've been known to hide sometimes}
c always find and pulls out to display proudly.

anyway, this past sunday night was the big party,
and because the host welcomed children this year,
and the boys are older, we decided to bring them along.

the gifts given and received were very thoughtful and it
reminded me how far we all go back and how well we all
know each other. we've shared alot through the years.
kate, our newest member of the group, and the girl i recently
ran the half marathon with, was my secret santa.
she surprised me with 4 tickets to the nutcracker!!

i've never seen it live, so i am SUPER excited.
the tickets are for this friday night and though i planned on
taking the boys, i remembered they will be gone.

c decided very recently he wanted to play in the snow with
the boys so he's taking a roadtrip to visit trevor and the family
in brianhead this weekend.

since i still have so much to do before the holidays
{i haven't even ordered our cards}, i decided to send the boys.
also, the nutcracker tickets can't be exchanged, and there was
no way i was missing it.  i just have to find new dates.
jen's committed to being one of my dates.

in the meantime, i've been trying to get ready for christmas.
thanks to amazon, i'm almost done shopping. the boys however,
are more than ready. 

they tell me every day how many more days until the BIG day.
this year, they haven't talked much about santa. i think it's because
finn has some serious doubts.  at 9 years old, i imagine that's normal,
and i wonder when a change will happen.  he wants so badly to believe.
{and i don't discourage it}

i just hope the magic of christmas for him lasts a little bit longer...
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.