a few weeks ago, i was on the internet looking for an affordable airfare
so i could accompany c to israel next month.
i came across finnair, an airline i had never heard of before.
i smiled.
how could i not love an airline that has my firstborn's name in it?
as you could have guessed, the airline flies to finland,
as well as the other scandanavian countries.
i showed to finn and said someday, i'd like to fly finnair with
my finn {and all the boys}. he smiled and said me too.
as for that trip to israel, sadly, i won't be tagging along with c.
for 2 weeks my company's travel agent{and i} looked for a
reasonable flight there and back and we simply couldn't find one.
the most affordable flight was $2,100.
not reasonable for my budget. *sigh*
c has his ticket and is very excited.
{and lucky for him, his trip is all expenses paid}
he promises to eat tons of new foods for me
and to take photos {we'll see about this last one}.
while he's away, i hope to have a little fun too.
i plan on taking a few days off work to spend some
time with my mom, leslie and her family and i'm taking
a weekend trip with the little guys...just mom and boys.
i'm not sure where to yet, but i have some ideas!
~ scoutie's bday pictures are coming.
first things first, we had to get thank you cards out.
he has 2 more to write and then i will share.
the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.
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About Me

- Angela
- San Diego, CA, United States
- I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.