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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

jury duty

i spent the last 3 days at san diego's superior court
with 50 'colorful' characters. the cartoon above
wasn't too far off from what i was thinking about
some of 'em. :)

i received a jury duty summons a few weeks ago
and when i learned my boss was travelling during that time,
i figured it was probably the best time for me to serve.

lots of people groan about jury duty,
but i'm idealistic in that i think it's important.
the waiting around can be horrible if you aren't prepared,
but i was prepared {had my laptop and a book}.

because my experience with our judicial system is minimal,
i was actually a little excited. i hadn't received a jury summons since
finn was a toddler. that was my only experience and i didn't even
get to see a courtroom.

this time, i got assigned to a courtroom, met the judge, the attorneys
and went through the entire voir dire process.
when i learned it was a criminal case, i was interested in being a juror,
but when i learned the trial was anticipated to go for 2 weeks,
i was relieved i wasn't picked after all.
my company only allows 3 paid days for jury duty.
{with c just doing consulting, i need to work}

anyway, it was a great learning experience overall.
i told my s-i-l i learned more about our judicial system in the last
3 days than i did my entire high school career.

tomorrow i'm back to my regular routine,
but before i turn in, i wanted to journal that boys and i finished reading
the swiss family robinson tonight.  they enjoyed it so much that i told
them we could watch disney's movie version this friday night.
they are excited. {i've never seen it either so i'm looking forward to it too}

reading the book reminded me that i used to LOVE playing in the
treehouse  that is in the disney world theme park.
i enjoyed it as much as the rides.

i just peeked online and it's still there!!! {i can hardly believe it}
i'd love to take finn and scout sometime.  i wonder if disneyland has one?
los angeles is a little easier to get to than orlando.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.