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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, December 14, 2012

fashion friday: puffer vests

i'm ♥ing puffer vests for boys!
my obsession actually started last winter
when i found this one at target for scout.

this year, target has new styles and more colors and i picked up another
for scoutie and one for his sweet nephew who just celebrated his 2nd birthday.
they are super cute and perfect for mild winters.

because target only has puffer vests in the little boy's department,
i had to do a little digging to find one for finn that wasn't ridiculously priced.
i found one at kohls for $15 - such a deal!

someday i'm gonna learn to post images in a collage,
but until that time, bear with me.
i haven't even updated the look of my blog since i started it.
{it's hard enough to find time to post}  someday...

anywho, i'm so happy it's the weekend!
it's been a CRAZY week {probably the busiest i've had all year},
and with the holidays and the new house {jobsite}, i'm exhausted.

i had a little downtime last night attending our company's holiday party.
my 3 joined me for some great food from phil's, a local restaurant known for its bbq.
on any given day of the week there is a line that wraps around the building.
not i know why.  SO delicious!!

we all ate too much and listened to my company's informal band play.
they call themselves the X band since we are exp.  ok, so no creativity points
but they were pretty good.  everyone got a kick out of finn running to find me
when they started playing leaving on a jet plane.
he knows what songs his mom likes. so sweet.

well i must skedaddle.  i have a zillion errands to run this afternoon -
a cooktop to buy, 2 sinks to return, presents to buy, outfits to pick
out for our family's photo shoot tomorrow, and we need to trim our tree!
i promised the boys we'd do it tonight.  if there were just more hours in a day....

enjoy your weekend folks.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.