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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

christmas wishes

despite MY not being even remotely ready for christmas,
the boys are expecting santa to visit and have been working
on their wish lists.

i don't have finn's letter yet,
but i wanted to post scoutie's tonight so i wouldn't forget.
i found a template online from these talented ladies,
printed a few and brought them home.

the boys were THRILLED to create their 'wish lists',
but the letter to santa was a little tougher to write.
i mean who wants to write about the time they were naughty?

when scout came to the line that read "i have been very
{fill in the blank}, he looked up with his big blue eyes and
asked christopher and i if he had been very good.
we responded that he had. he smiled and went back to writing.
a minute later he asked how to spell "whined". *laugh*

the boys are into all things star wars right now
as c and i finally let them watch the original trilogy.
{we haven't moved to the newer star wars films and
won't for quite some time}

it works out wonderfully because the boys can fully
enjoy all the games, toys and books associated with
the first, and when they eventually tire of it, they will probably
be ready for the clone wars. {it's all about pacing}

finn created his wish list but didn't write his letter to santa
yet so i'll wait to post until i get them both.
finn was worried that we weren't going to have a good christmas
since the house is in disarray and we didn't have a tree up.
we finally got a tree tonight, and plan on decorating it friday night!

~ scout really wants a light saber and c really doesn't want
him to have one. he likens them to toy guns and prefers the boys
not have toy weapons of any kind. {though they make them out of
anything they find - pieces of pvc pipe, sticks, you name it}

i understand his thinking and i know many parents who feel the same,
but a light saber is different than a gun to me and it's at the very top
of our 5 year old's wish list.  c and i have some discussing to do
between now and the big day.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.