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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

mother's day: 2016 [part 1]

my mother's day started with two boys in the kitchen
making some ruckus...and me patiently waiting for them
to bring me breakfast in bed. 15+ minutes later, they tiptoed
into our bedroom and finn, seeing me awake and c asleep,
whispering "happy mother's day" and then telling me he needs
help making breakfast because he's never made french toast before.

i followed him into the kitchen and gave him a quick cooking lesson
{he had the eggs cracked and bread out} and i showed scout how to make
coffee so he felt useful.c staggered into the kitchen half asleep and helped the
boys finish up.{unlike me he isn't a morning person}

the breakfast they cooked turned out to be delicious.

the boys presented me with sweet cards and small gifts.
csout's 'Appreciation Book' got the tears flowing,
and a chuckled came with i heard finn whisper "you did well scout".
he sure did.  {i'll share in another post}.

he boys also filled out these cute forms and presented the to me
and they gave me a smile. scout's guessing of my age and weight
made me smile...he made me younger and 10 lbs heavier. *grin*

after my tears and my meal, we dressed and headed towards
the soccer field. scout had a huge competitive soccer weekend...
2 games each day and an additional game with his rec soccer league
on sunday.  

i spent my mother's day biting my tongue and cheering from the sidelines.
c and i get SO into his games {yes, we are those parents}.
when finn played, that side just didn't come out since he wasn't competitive.
with a kid who LOVES the game and is pretty good, it's a whole different us.
it was a weekend full of soccer and smiles. scout's blast team took 2nd place in

i ended the night meeting my girlfriend at the mall to see mother's day the movie.
{we knew our husband's wouldn't be interested}.  it turned out to be everything
we thought and hoped it would be, heartwarming and funny, and yes, we pulled
out tissues from our purses a few times.

what a beautiful thing to be a mother. it's exhausting and sometimes even a little
scary, but it's also the most beautiful, important and rewarding job i will ever have.

i am blessed to not only be a mother of two great kids, but to have so many positive
and hardworking moms as role models in my life. they've spent hours sharing,
listening and helping me navigate motherhood and i thank and celebrate them today.

it takes a village to raise a child...and it's also true with mothers.   

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.