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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

off the grid: mexico

i've been off the grid (literally some days) as the boys and i headed
south of the border for 8 days to soak in the sunshine and each other
during the thanksgiving holiday.

we found great airfares on volaris, and flew out of mexico {tijuana} to cabo.
we rented a car, and left cabo as soon as we could and headed to a small village/town
where there was a hotel directly on the beach called the surf colony.  we stayed here
a week and spent every day in the 83 degree water.  what a treat for a so cal family used
to 70 degree water at the warmest.  no wetsuit was needed...just sunscreen! we also stayed
the last 2 nights, we went into todos santos, a larger ex pat/artist town for a little more
urban experience.  we visited the mission, the hotel California and explored new beaches.

- surfing every day
- lots and lots of mexican food {c couldn't get enough of enchiladas con mole}
- lengthy and competitive 'ocho loco' card games
- meeting a family from solana beach (scout even had a sleepover with their kids at their villa)
- shopping at the local 'super mini' for groceries for breakfast and snacks
- the boys fishing in the ocean and finn catching a 30 lb dorado
- spanish lessons for mom and the boys
- scout purchasing a futbol (soccer ball) and playing at a local field
- driving into cabo to watch spectre in english {with spanish subtitles}
- releasing olive ridley turtles on the beach at sunset
- lots of yummy drinks all vacation long {i need to run another half to burn the calories i consumed}
- reading - lots and lots of  it (we read 5 books between all of us)

the trip allowed us to have much needed family time - just the 4 of us - to soak each other in.
with busy lives, it was so nice to slow down and just spend hours in play and conversation,
and to do it in a place that we love so much was a beautiful thing.

i'm excited to go through the photos (and video),  as i  haven't seen anything but a few i snapped on
my phone. c uploaded them all to our home server and i hope to get on tonight and pull some into this post.

in the meantime, here are some photos from google of our casual hotel right on the beach.
(it was a really rough week for me. hehe)


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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.