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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, October 30, 2015

fall festivities

oh how i love this time of year.
cooler weather means more cuddling, bonfires, yummy flavored coffees,
sweaters, easier running weather, and cute long pjs for the boys.

this year, it also means a camping trip for the scoutmaster.

last night he joined all of explorer's 3rd graders {just 2 classes}
and camped overnight in julian. many volunteers were needed and
when i learned that his bestie's dad was going and that scout wanted
to sleep in their tent, i decided to stay behind this trip and enjoy another
field trip after the new year. i still do one a year with each of the boys.

here he is yesterday morning packing everything in the car:


while little brother was off hiking and eating smores with his friends,
big brother wanted to watch a 'scary' movie.  he knows better to ask to
see a gory movies, but when we showed him the trailer to the six sense,
a movie we would allow, he was interested.

we explained it was a little creepy, but mostly it was interesting with a twist and
wouldn't give him nightmares. he loved it and had no idea the child psychologist was
dead {who did the first time they saw it!}.  c and i loved watching it again too.
it had been years.

as finn rushed off to brush his teeth after the movie, c and i sat there for a minute and
said how wonderful it was to watch a movie like this with finn. two years ago, we wouldn't
have been able to, but now, at 11 1/2, he's mature enough to handle it. 

a wise friend told me once that she think backs to the years her children were younger,
but she never lives in that place long because if she were to live there, she'll miss the now.
she told me every phase of our children's growth is beautiful and every phase goes too fast. 
if we aren't living in the moment, and seeing them now, we will miss something.

i took that to heart and as a mother, i try to relish every day of my boys' childhood.
the teenage years are still ahead and there may be days ahead when that is harder to do,
i'm not there yet. for now, i just savor them....their beauty, their energy and passion for
learning and all their goodness.

i'm looking forward to having my little home tonight and then trick or treating tomorrow.
we have spencer's family joining us for dinner and then trick or treating.
the kids can hardly wait.  first things first, soccer game and surf club in the morning.
{all before noon}. 

despite having purchased very cool alien costumes for the boys and myself a few months ago,
scout insisted on going as german soccer player, thomas muller
to appease him momma, he did agree to put it on and take a photo with us,
but i can forget about him wearing it.

he is obsessed with muller and ALL things german.
he has the german flag as his screensaver on this computer,
he has asked us to download software so he can learn german,
wants to visit germany {and see a soccer game while there}, and
i have no doubt he will want to live in the muller uniform
after halloween. c and i will likely let him for a while too. *smile*

here he is with his bestie who is just as obsessed with soccer
{but barcelona's messi is his player of choice}

muller and messi

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.