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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

derby day

the long awaited day came when scout and his 2nd grade friends
took the derby cars they made and walked/drove them over to the
grassy park in liberty station....just 2 blocks from his school.

with the help of some parents, the students had spent a few afternoons
building {and decorating} these cars and were anxious to get them outside.

scout was excited to 'race' his team's car as he was elected by them to be in the
driving seat.  when i asked if it was because he fit best in the car, he assured me it
was because he was the BEST driver.  *grin*

whatever the reason, i was excited for him and made sure to take the afternoon off
so i could be there.  i arrived just after lunch and the kids were just pushing their
cars around.  they were having the time of their lives!!

as for the race, well, there was never one 'official' race.  the kids all took their
cars over to the largest hill in the park and they raced down it over and over.
the kids all took turns driving.  as a driver, scout won a few and lost a few and
had a smile on his face the entire afternoon. 

what a memorable day we had together.  i don't know about scout, but this  momma
will treasure it for years to come.

~ the far right pix is scout and his bestie spencer. the two are inseparable.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.