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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

my maya

while uncle trevor was swimming at the la jolla cove
{he's in training for a half marathon here san diego next spring},
my sweet niece maya and i pranced around paradise point hotel.
she was my model for an hour as i played photographer.

as parents had warned me, the thousands of photos that we take
of our children when they are small wanes.  the novelty simply
wears off and their milestones decrease, and most often with boys,
they start to moan and run when you get near them with the camera. 

it was a real treat to be with maya because she enjoys it.
she is a trooper when i ask her to stand here, there, turn, walk,
look into the camera, away from the camera, do a 3/4 turn, smile, etc.
she did it all with a smile and even a skip in her step.

she even suggested a patterned umbrella for a fun prop.
{afterwards, we visited a neighborhood coffee shop to view
look through the photos and have a healthy treat.
here's my maya girl.

miss maya gerber, age 10

~ i've had these photos since last week, but wanted to be sure maya
received the cd with the images before i posted.  we've already planned
our next shoot - in minnesota this october when we are there for a family
wedding. yay!

SUMMER - it's passing so fast and all the emails from explorer about
hot lunch, special programs, after care, etc. are flooding my inbox and
reminding me summer is almost over. *sigh* 

i've squeezed in some fun, but the boys are having the most fun. 
they alternate between playdates/surfing with dad and summer camps.
{no need to hire a this summer with the flexibility c has in his job}.

c has the phone numbers of all of the boys' friend's parents in his cell
{and they his}, for all the beach dates and playdate planning.
just don't ask them how many times they eat at taco surf a week.
if you do, just don't tell me their response. =/
cooking is not something he likes to do....ever.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.