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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

phoenix fun

the desert, when the sun comes up...
i couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began.

~ tom hanks, forrest gump

oh how i love the movie forrest gump.
there must be millions of pearls of wisdom sprinkled throughout this modern classic. 
the line about the desert is something only someone who has spent time in the desert
can understand. it's truly magical, and there's nothing else that compares.

my favorite time of the day in the desert is the morning.
before the heat comes, the weather is cool and dry and perfect for
running, walking or just sitting with a cup of coffee.
during this trip to phoenix, i really wanted to get up one morning
and watch the sunrise.  unfortunately it didn't happen. the boys and i were all
snuggled up together in a cozy king-sized bed and we simply couldn't wake up.

scout exclaimed when he woke up that day he set a Record for sleeping in.
he woke up at 8:22am....that's the LATEST he's ever slept in!  *grin*
{oh life with young glamorous}

we missed the sunrise, but we did get out the door shortly after and went on
a morning hike on south mountain, which was conveniently located across from our hotel.
we only had one full liter of water between us and though it wasn't hot {yet},
we played it safe and only hiked 2 miles.  next time, i promised the boys we'd do more
serious hiking, with daypacks, lots of water, and hats!

after our hike we popped into the visitor center. 
arizona is known for it's beautiful gems and as scout's luck had it {he loves rocks},
he found all types for sale in the center for next to nothing.  for $5.00 he went home
with his pockets full of pretty stones.  new and used books were also for sale and finn
found himself some reading material - a book on fossils and national geographic that
was geared towards robotics.  {no surprise}.

we had a wonderful morning in the beautiful desert.
a few photos of our time together:

and last here's a photo that a kind stranger snapped for me the
night we had dinner with gg. heidi and greg had been there but
left before i remembered to pull out the camera.  *bummer*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.