so when i was greeted by a little boy with a 'fat lip' last week,
i had to be sure to take a photo and document.
i should note, this photo was actually taken the day 'after' the incident.
it looked 10x worse the day of}
upon arriving home from work and seeing it,
scout says "i hit my lip on a riding toy at the park."
when i walked into the house, finn shared (umprompted)
that HE pushed scout too hard and fast on a riding spring toy
at the park and scout's face hit the metal toy.
i was so proud of finn for telling me the truth
and before i could share this with him,
scout said "finn said he was sorry".
he had forgiven finn hours before and
there was no need for me to say anything.
it was over.
i hugged them both and smiled.
glad to have boys so young who can
recognize when accidents are accidents,
and glad they are good to each other
(even when someone ends up with a fat lip)\