so when i came across band-aids at old navy that had the word 'ouch' printed on them,
i had to get them!
our scout, is a bit of a daredevil and because he's the second child,
christopher and i aren't as protective of him as we were with finn.
we let him explore more and push his boundaries (sometimes c allows it more than i'd prefer),
but that's a topic for another time.
the combination of his free spirit and and his constant struggle to keep up with finn,
he's become no stranger to bumps and bruises.
i came home from work today to learn that during a tantrum,
he flung himself off the couch and onto his firetruck toy face first.
he has a few cuts and a small bruise on is face, but he is fine.
i commented to christi that he'll probably not do that again.
he comes to us often saying "ouch" and points to where he hurts.
often his owies aren't visible, and once they were actually ink pen marks!
no matter, i'm always happy to kiss the area(s) he points to and he walks away happy.
someday a simple kiss won't be able to make everything 'all better' but for now,
i'm glad my kisses are like magic.
i hope they will work a little bit longer.
(i should note that daddies and christi's kisses are pretty special too)